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A Town
Growing Together
Ashton, Iowa
Est. 1882
Osceola County Freedom Rock
Wayside Park, Ashton, IA 51232

The Freedom Rock project was created by Ray “Bubba” Sorensen II in 1999. Ray was inspired to find a way to honor and thank the Veterans of this great nation and he decided to use his talent of painting to do just that. He paints murals on large boulders and has made a plan to get all 99 counties in Iowa to have one. Ashton has been chosen to hold the rock for Osceola County and the rock has already been placed at the Wayside Park on the East side of Ashton. Some landscaping has been completed and the area will contain a brick wall that will hold the names of service members from the area and also those who donated.
Our Rock's Story
Osceola Counties rock was painted the summer of 2018. The
Service Member Bricks
Brick Donators/Sponers
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